A facelift or Rhytidectomy, can transform and restore your face from age-related changes like Sagging by reshaping and changing the position of the skin to reveal a refreshed and refined look. This procedure improves areas of the midface, cheeks and jowls through incisions hidden behind and around the ears.
Facelift can be combined other surgical procedures: browlift, necklift, and eyelid surgery, and non-Surgical therapies for enhanced results. Non-Surgical treatments, such as cosmetic fillers and fat transfer restore volume loss and IPL, laser resurfacing, and chemical peels aid to brighten the skin, for a youthful appearance.
Deciding whether or not you choose to have elective surgery is a very important decision. This procedure may be ideal for individuals that may not be achieving the same or desired results with non-Surgical rejuvenation therapies with advanced aging. Good candidates for this surgery include those with a positive outlook and healthy lifestyle, without medical conditions which impair healing and non-smokers.
This procedure usually requires general anesthesia and an overnight stay, especially when combined with other surgeries. While healing varies according to the individual and extent of the procedure, most find that surgical healing is improved within two weeks of surgery and recover within two to three months. Light Activity is important for the day after surgery and for the first two weeks.
Facelift surgery will not stop aging after surgery, For lasting and optimal results, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with proper skin care and adequate sun protection.